Finn's Harry Potter 10th Birthday Party

We celebrated my Godson Finn's 10th birthday yesterday and my cousin Kate, Finn's Mum, and her husband Trent hosted the most AMAZING party for their birthday boy.

Finn and his 7 best friends had a magical afternoon concocting potions at Professor Snape’s potion station, playing Harry Potter trivia, bouncing on the jumping castle and enjoying treats at the Honeydukes Sweet Shop.
Kate did the most fabulous job with the party styling, her garage was transformed into the Hogwarts Great Hall and the boys enjoyed dinner at a banquet table underneath the enchanted ceiling of fairy lights and floating candles.

I had a ball helping Kate to create the candy bar, which featured Mrs Flume's chocolate frogs, caramel fudge, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, chocolate mice, Wizo Chocoballs, Wizo Licorice Wands, Jellybellied Snakes, Wizo Wafers, sour worms, chocolate coins and lollipops.
The Honeydukes labels are a free printable I found here.

Kate made a gorgeous two-tier chocolate birthday cake for Finn and also served goblets of chocolate mousse (the birthday boy’s favourite!) and cupcakes for dessert.
It was an absolutely magical day celebrating a very special boy! Happy 10th birthday Finn! Xx